To celebrate its 150th anniversary the SMA BTP, France's main building construction insurance company, asked me to make a series of portraits of their clients and employees.
Essentially the role of a good insurance company is to assume their client's danger factors and juggle with the risks that their clients take.
These photographs were all taken in and around office buildings insured by the SMA BTP throughout France.
Everyday, white collar office workers, working in the construction field, have to cheat danger and manage risk, often in places where one might expect it the least.
No computer tricks.
Everything is real.
Entré le 16 octobre 1975, à Limoges, à la SMABTP, Patrice Philippon, fils et petit-fils de maçon, est aujourd'hui conseiller généraliste SMAvie BTP en Limousin. SMAvie BTP réunit les assurances liées aux conventions collectives des entreprises du bâtiment, les garanties complémentaires, l'assurance personnelle des chefs d'entreprise ainsi que leurs placements.