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Les Photaumnales (2011)

Pour ces 8èmes Photaumnales, du 10 septembre au 6 novembre 2011, c’est avec Ensemble que nous prenons la pulsation du monde, dans la diversité des sujets présentés et dans l’ouverture internationale à des artistes reconnus ou en devenir.

Les travaux et les photographes réunis dans cette édition s’intéressent aux autres dans leur vivre ensemble, ou à côté les uns des autres, des manières d’être ensemble qui rassemblent et qui parfois excluent, ou qui ne sont que des solitudes mises en parallèle.

Des Ensemble d’origine religieuse, ethnographique, familiale, revendicative, culturelle, occupationnelle, événementielle ou générationnelle se trouvent ainsi évoqués au fil des expositions et projections.

Another Country

Thou hast committed
Fornication: but that was in another country,
And besides, the wench is dead.

The Jew of Malta, Christopher Marlowe (1564–93).

Another Country is about British people in France, people who have turned their back on their homeland to settle in the Dordogne. It is about the lives they have built there, the identities they have acquired, and their view of the country they have left behind. But the subtext of these images – and the force driving my interest in this expatriate world – is an exploration of my own motivations for living in France and for spending most of my adult years there. My rejection of Britain, my attraction to France, my sense of social inadequacy – the feeling that I belonged nowhere in Britain – and my self-reinvention and ambition have all been part of this process. Over time, however, I find myself less content to be a foreigner and am increasingly drawn towards the British values that were instilled during my childhood. I’m afraid that one day I might be drawn back to Britain itself.